October 27, 1947 Born in Berlin
1967 Graduated from Robert Koch High School in Berlin
1967 Studied Art Education at HfbK Berlin under Prof. Herbert Kaufmann
1968 First work: Hiroshima GROUND ZERO
1968 First public art: American flag with skulls instead of stars (protest against the Vietnam War)
1969-1970 Studied Industrial Design at HfbK Berlin under Prof. Dr. Braun-Feldweg; mainly furniture design, conception and execution
1970/1971 Studied Art Education at Kassel Art Academy/Comprehensive University (now "Kassel Art University at the University of Kassel") under Prof. Harry Kramer. Continuation of sculptural works in paper, material experiments with wax, ceramics and wood. Automatons with elements from wax figure cabinets, fairgrounds and panopticons
June 27, 1974 First state examination for teaching at secondary schools; Fine Arts and Crafts
1972 First exhibition participation: Wiesbaden: Panopticon
1972–1974 Assistant to Prof. Harry Kramer. Supervision of group work in connection with exhibition projects, testing of materials and techniques for sculptors and practice of facade painting, considerations on teaching models in the context of academic art education
1974–1977 Studied Fine Arts, University of Kassel, Department of Art, Kramer Studio, residence and studio: Elbenberg near Kassel
1976 Beginning of work on the dissertation "The Kassel Art Academy - History and Institutional Analysis"
1977–1979 Monument restoration; planning, construction management, execution
1979 Construction of sound sculptures
1980–1985 Artistic-scientific staff member in the Department of Art, University of Kassel
1980 Beginning of the trace projects with "Scent Marks Cassel–Paris"
1981 First solo exhibition, Kassel Art Academy
1982 Art action Ariadne Thread
1984 Art action Landscape Preserves
1985 Temporary collaboration in MOLTKEREI workshop and FUHRWERKSWAAGE art space in Cologne; planning and organization of room installations and performances
1985 Beginning of work with characters
1994 Curator at IGNIS Cultural Center, exhibition cycle COINCIDENCE - Encounters in Cologne
May 1990 "May 1940 - 1000 Roma and Sinti". Gunter Demnig prints on the Cologne pavement the path of the Sinti and Roma through the city to the exhibition camp, from where the deportations to Poland began
1992/1993 In response to increasing xenophobia in the new FRG (keywords: Rostock-Lichtenhagen, Solingen), Gunter Demnig hangs Article 1 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights on Cologne advertising boards
March 1993 The city of Cologne agrees to the permanent preservation of the written trace on the pavement. From June 1993, the lettering is laid in brass at 22 places in the city.
Summer 1993 Concept for the STOLPERSTEINE project is published
January 4, 1995 The first 25 STOLPERSTEINE are laid in Cologne without municipal/official approval
1996 The first STOLPERSTEINE are laid in Berlin-Kreuzberg without municipal/official approval
July 19, 1997 Laying of the first legal Stolpersteine in St. Georgen (near Salzburg), Austria, for Jehovah's Witnesses Johann and Matthias Nobis
April 13, 2000 The Cologne City Council approves the STOLPERSTEINE project
July 2000 In Berlin-Kreuzberg, Naunynstraße 46, the first Stolpersteine are legally laid
November 2000 Beginning of legal installations in Cologne
2002 The first STOLPERSTEINE are laid in Hamburg
2004 "Max Brauer Prize" from the Alfred Toepfer Foundation FVS, Hamburg, first prize in connection with the Stolpersteine.
October 4, 2005 Awarded the Federal Cross of Merit
January 27, 2006 Unveiling of the memorial installation "The Threshold" at Cologne Central Station (conceived by a citizens' initiative); this is intended to commemorate the involvement of Deutsche Bundesbahn in the deportations and thus in the genocide
August 20, 2006 Appointed "alternative honorary citizen of Cologne"
2011 Moved to Frechen near Cologne
2012 Installation of his gravestone "Circuitus" in the artists' necropolis in Kassel
December 2014 Establishment of the FOUNDATION - TRACES - Gunter Demnig
2015 Laying of the 50,000th STOLPERSTEIN
April 1, 2016 Marriage to Katja Walter in Langenselbold in the Main-Kinzig district (Hesse)
2017 Moved to Alsfeld (Hesse)
2017 – present Construction of the permanent exhibition "Gunter Demnig: TRACES and PATHS" in Alsfeld-Elbenrod
September 2018 70,000th STOLPERSTEIN laid in Frankfurt
August 23, 2019 Order of Merit of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
April 29, 2022 Benedict Prize of Mönchengladbach
August 13, 2022 Opening of the exhibition rooms in Alsfeld-Elbenrod
May 26, 2023 Laying of the 100,000th STOLPERSTEIN in Nuremberg
March 11, 2024 Awarded the Order of Merit of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate
October 11, 2024 Awarded the Arnold Bode Prize