For many people in Germany and abroad, the artist's name is less familiar than his life's work, which after 30 years can be seen and grasped over 100,000 times in nearly 1,900 European communities in public spaces. His art invites people to stumble mentally, pause, read, reflect, think, and remember. We are talking about the 96 x 96 x 100 mm large, golden-shining STOLPERSTEINE (stumbling stones), which are laid in the pavement in front of the last freely chosen residence of former citizens in memory of the many Nazi victims.
While these stones have grown into the world's largest decentralized art memorial in recent decades and have long since found their way into countless book publications at home and abroad, and even into school textbooks, the artworks that led to the idea of the memorial stones have remained largely hidden until now.
With the opening of our exhibition rooms in 2022, Gunter Demnig's earlier works are now finally being presented and made accessible to the public in a permanent exhibition on 350 square meters. The view extends to over 45 years of artistic work, often shaped by the political currents of the time from the artist's critical perspective.
The museum is open each year by appointment between May and September. Group registrations from 6 to max. 60 people for a lecture on site by Gunter Demnig or a meet and greet with Gunter Demnig are accepted by Katja Demnig.