The foundation is established to preserve, commemorate, and continue the ideas and life's work of the sculptor Gunter Demnig - throughout Europe and globally. The STOLPERSTEINE – STOLPERSCHWELLEN project should be at the center of this, with its focus on keeping alive, documenting, and consolidating the memory of the victims of National Socialism and their relatives worldwide.

The founder, as an artist, remembers the victims of the Nazi era by integrating brass memorial plaques flush with the pavement of the sidewalk in front of their last freely chosen place of residence or other designated locations. These memorial plaques are intended to remember the fate of people who were persecuted, murdered, deported, expelled, or driven to suicide during the Nazi era. The artistic project of the founder thus represents a collection of traces of victims of National Socialism. The laying of traces in the form of STOLPERSTEINE and/or STOLPERSCHWELLEN (other forms should be conceivable) - figuratively keeps the memory of the victims of National Socialism 1933-1945 alive.

Another focus is the involvement of children and young people in the project to help implement this culture of remembrance concretely.

A further task includes the maintenance and possible presentation of works from Gunter Demnig's oeuvre - especially those works that can be considered as precursors to the STOLPERSTEINE project/action.

For further questions about the preamble, please contact Gunter and Katja Demnig